Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bama Bear

I must say...I have the best dog in the world!! :) Bama Bear tends to disappear often (he is my couch buddy so it doesn't take long for me to notice) and I always assume that he has gotten himself in to something he wasn't supposed to. It's times like these that make me realize I have the strangest, sweetest, and cutest dog in the world! How could you not fall in love??

Just in case you can't tell where my adorable baby boy is laying....That would be in the closet! In a clothes basket that is piled high with dirty clothes :) Yes, I know... I should have done laundry. But, I just wanted to make sure Bama Bear had a comfortable place to sleep! :)

And if you don't think that is adorable wait till you see this!! Bama Bear has a horrible habit of chewing on his dew claws and it is starting to become a problem. Dogs usually get them removed when they are puppies since they serve no purpose, but for some reason Bama didn't go through that process. Well, he has been chewing on them so hard that he finally, last night, chewed one completely off. This is the second time that he has done that and I am not about to pay the 300$ or so dollars to get them removed. Now, Brandon and I are in the process of teaching our stubborn dog that biting his dew claw is not allowed. This was our solution. :)

We wrapped it in gauze and taped that sucker up with masking tape!! You would have thought Bama broke his leg if you saw him. He wouldn't walk AT ALL!! And his paw wasn't even hurting him... He was perfectly fine! I just didn't want him to irritate his dew claw. Strange little boy, and so so adorable :) Brandon finally insisted that we take it off because he was acting so pathetic, BUT he didn't bite his claw! I am keeping the gauze and masking tape close today!

xoxo J

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