Thursday, April 22, 2010

My new fishing pole

A couple weeks ago I asked my dad if he could send me out one of his old fishing poles. The one I was using was WAY to big for me and it wasn't very good. He said that he would put one together and ship it out for me. I was pretty excited to get a new fishing pole. BUT, instead of putting together one of his old poles he bought me a new one :) Not only is it super's PINK!!
Right when I got it Brandon and I went out fishing. I couldn't hardly wait to try this baby out. It works like a charm :) I can even cast without hitting the trees...for the most part (haha) And I can cast so much farther. I LOVE IT!!
The fishing hasn't been as good as it was the first couple weeks we started fishing, but hopefully it will pick up soon. Brandon and I have been trying some new swimbaits out and the bass have been hitting those pretty good. We went down to the Bass Pro Shop in Leeds, Alabama last Sunday also. It's about 90 miles away and we had a blast. There is so much at those stores to look at! I could spend forever in there :)

My mom and dad are coming to Alabama at the end of June through July 5th. I can't wait to see them. We are going to the Bass Pro Shop Resort in Gatlinburg, Tennessee for the weekend too. This will be the first time that they are here together!

1 comment:

  1. That pole is awesome! You should catch some serious fish on that! If they can stop laughing long enough to get on the hook... Good picture of you and B!
