Monday, May 3, 2010

Back in Action

I finally started sewing again! It had been quite a while since I sat down and actually worked on a project. Brandon's cousin, Tracie, has two beautiful daughters (abbie & addison) and she wanted me to make dresses for them. I, of course, said YES! I made Abbie & Addison matching pillowcase dresses and this is how they turned out.
The girls are going to wear the dresses in a professional photo shoot :) I am SO excited to see the dresses on the girls when the pictures come back. That is my favorite part about making this for people is being able to see the kids actually wearing them; it makes me so happy!
A while back I made Brandon's other cousin Jodi ( he has a lot of cousins :] ) some baby bibs and booties for her newborn baby girl, Sydney. Brandon and I were up at the church playing volleyball and Jodi just happened to be there with Sydney. I had to use the restroom and that was the same time that Jodi was in the restroom getting ready to feed Sydney... this is what Jodi had put on that sweet little girl :)

I was so happy to see that she was actually using the bibs I made for her! I make things and I give them to people but I never really know if they actually use them. It felt so good to know that she was making good use of it :)

Also, My FABULOUS friend in the HobLob fabric department thought of me when ordering tulle the other day! It is SPARKLE! She kept it in the box until I came in just so that I got the FIRST CHOICE! Isn't that the best? I love that lady!
The pictures make it really hard to see the glitter, but the pink and white is SOLID glitter! And, unfortunately my carpet is too now.

I'm not even done yet! I have been trying to keep myself busy with this not-so-great weather and NO school! This next project is just a simple white onesie that I hand-stitched fabric flowers on. I think it turned out adorable if I must say so myself, haha!

Okay, okay....I'm done for today! It isn't raining out so Brandon and I are going fishing. You probably won't hear from me for awhile :) It isn't supposed to rain til next Tuesday!


  1. Oh these onesies are soooo darling! Jessica you are so talented!

  2. That picture of the pillowcase dresses looks like a pattern cover! Great job on those! Everything is so cute, glad to see you back to crafting!
